I-Kangoan ifumene ngempumelelo iSatifikethi soLawulo lwePropathi yePropathi
Kutshanje, i-Haiyan Kathuan isixhobo sonyango co., i-LTD. Scope of certification: the intellectual property management of research and development, production and sales for Class II medical instruments (silicone foley cat...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Ukuqhutywa kophuhliso lwetekhnoloji, ukhuseleko lwepropathi yengqondo
Kule veki iphelileyo, i-Haiyan Kathuan isixhobo sonyango computer Co., Ltd. senze isiqinisekiso seNkqubo yoLawulo lwePropathi yeNgqondo. The intellectual property management system certification audit team followed the national standards and corporate intellectual property management system document...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
I-Suprapubic Catheter yokusetyenziswa enye
[Intended use] It is applicable to the placement of suprapubic catheter for bladder drainage and catheterisation through suprapubic cystocentesis. . I-2. Nge-atroumatic kunye nentloko ejikelezileyo ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
I-kangoan yezonyango ikuthatha ukuba uvele kwiMedica 2022
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Ukhuphiswano lwemfazwe ye-Autumn ye-Kangoma yagqitywa ngempumelelo
Imozulu ye-owim ye-intanethi, intle kwaye iqaqambile. Kwi-Oct. 28, Imanyano yabasebenzi yeHaiyan Kantyuan isixhobo sezonyango Couth Cood Count-tug-yemfazwe yabasebenzi. Amaqela alishumi elinesithandathu kwi-ofisi yoMlawuli Jikelele, iSebe lezomthetho, iSebe leMveliso, iSebe leMveliso, intengiso yeTekhnoloji, iMakelo yeTekelo ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Wamkelekile kwiMedica 2022 eDüsseldorf
Umthendeleko owenziweyo phakathi kwe-Autindlan!
I-Kangoan inikele izixhobo ze-anticible zokunceda ubhubhane eHainan
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I-Haiyan Kangoma ihlawula irhafu kubasebenzi bezonyango!
I-Endotracheal endotrocheal ye-Endotrache
I-Intere yokuSebenza: I-Endotracheal Intubation Kit isetyenziselwa i-Piday Paidey, uLawulo lweSiyobisi, i-Anesthesia kunye neSpoutum Icusgus izigulana. Ukuqulunqwa kwemveliso: I-endotracheal Tube kikhi iquka isimo esisiseko kunye noqwalaselo olukhethwayo. Ikhithi icocekile kwaye ifakwe i-Ethylene ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
I-Haiyan County Forderation yemibutho yabasebenzi ibanjwe uqeqesho lokhuseleko
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Wamkelekile kwi-Fime 2022